MED-GOLD participatory workshop on the climate service for the olive and olive oil sector (in English)

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The MED-GOLD project aims to make European agriculture more resilient to climate change by developing climate services for three key Mediterranean crops: olive and olive oil, grape and wine, and durum wheat.

The climate service developed for the olive and olive oil sector – the Dashboard – provides climate information at a range of timescales and for bioclimatic indicators developed purposely for the olive and olive oil sector.

In this virtual workshop, we will showcase the Dashboard and discuss the potential usability of the tool in the olive and olive oil sector. We will also explore the conditions required to upscale and use this tool in other organisations such as yours.

Due to its participatory nature, this workshop is aimed at individuals working in the grape and wine sector that currently use climate information in their activities and business.

The workshop will be facilitated by Marta Terrado, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain; Luigi Ponti, ENEA, Italy; and Marta Bruno Soares, University of Leeds, UK.

Participation in this workshop is free but the number of places is limited. Please, indicate your interest in participating by registering HERE.

Confirmation of participation along with the details to join the workshop will be sent by e-mail at a later stage.

The language for this workshop will be English.

+++ IMPORTANT: The time for the workshop is 10:00 am – 12:30 pm UK time (GMT) on January 17, 2022.



  • Demonstration of the Dashboard for the olive and olive oil sector
  • Assessing the potential usability of the Dashboard in the olive and olive oil sector
  • Exploring the conditions necessary for upscaling the Dashboard to other organisations


Register and get free access to the MED-GOLD dashboard for the next 6 months!


This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant agreement No. 776467